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Ale to neni problem, ty by se opet daly stresem prinutit k samoopyleni. Takze ano slo by to. Ale jen upozornuji ze by to vyzadovalo spise x generaci pro stabilizaci genu. Seminka primo z puvogni G13 by pravdepodobne nesly pouzit rovnou. Ale to zalezi zda G13 byl prvni nahodny vysledek krizeni, nebo uz to byla stabilizovana odruda.
Pukka Seeds nemají nic společného s první Nevillovou Seedbank, jež prodávala G13 hybridy.Jeho původní genetiku obhospodařuje Shantibaba alias Mr Nice Seeds. I Pacific přiznal, že jeho G13 není původní ale jde o rostlinu, jež zabavila DEA nějakému growerovi (další pohádka IMHO).Pokud chcete rostliny opravdu blízko originálu, jděte do G13xSkunk
Ano, G13*Skunk, ale predsa to nieje "original" ,a pokial by som JA do toho investoval, tak uz fakt by som hladal original, myslim vsak ,ze to je marne, a nikomu sa totu nepodari najst, mozno tak jednemu clenovi groweru, ale ten mlci
Původní G13 uvedly na trh The Seed Bank v čele s Nevillem.Stihly udělat 4 crossy (G13xSkunk#1, G13xNL, G13xHaze a G13xHashplant), načež original G13 matka umřela.Do dnešních dnů se dochovaly pouze G13xskunk, který připravuje Mr Nice seedbanka k znovu uvedení na trh a samec G13xHaze, kterého vlastní Soma
Mozno povodnu, to vsak neznamena, ze ich nebolo viac, z labaku ukradli klon, z klonu urobily klony, ktore sa potom sirily, a jeden z nich dostal aj Nevil, alebo kto to bol, a prave ten dotycny klon zomrel, ale klonov z ukradnutej matky bolo snad viac...a Nevile mozno nebol jediny, komu sa dostala G13 do ruk
To máš pravdu ale taky jsem četl, že cela story o vládních klonech je vymysl, který již roky nutí nakupovat američany semena čehokoli s G13 nálepkou.Vždyť jejich nejlepší vláda musí pěstovat to nejlepší, ne?Podle některých je G13 velmi specifický afghani genotyp selektovaný Andy Weinsteinem, a G13 označení znamená rostlina 13 z linie G. Andy (vyšlechtil mimo jiné Early Girl)byl spolupracovník Sama Skunkmana a měl určité spojení i s Nevillem.
Tady je Shantibabova verze :
Originally posted by shantibaba
Hi guys
Did not really miss the post....but was more interested to see what chat you sparked amongst yourself.Since there are a roller coaster of stories going about, re the G13.
Whatever the stories are that have entertained the punters till now probably all have a little truth mixed with myth.All with merit.
What I know in a nut shell is that the G13 plant was taken from the research facility some time ago and Nev managed to get it as a clone back to NL.There many things were tried without very much consistency, except with the skunk male to the G13.It was the only real crossing that gained results along a semi consistent line.That was quite some years back.Since then many people believe that buying the G13 released crosses and breeds perpetuated the story.However the story was for me all a little out of proportion.It usually is the product of many people dreaming of catching the big fish....
Up until 1 year ago I was not a G13 participant.I had seen it years back when it was all new and exciting but it did not do too much for me.No real flavour, strong sure but lacking on many other important sides.I recently learnt that the G13 lost alot of vigour at Sensi a long time back untill they eventually lost the original mother line.Nev gave me the only seed he felt was worth to go on with in this line (over 6 years ago) since he was retired from that world.It had been hanging above a fire place for more than 2 years prior.It was one of the last things that had had no time to look into due to other reasons.Kind of left on the shelf.The things that are being used for G13 combinants are all very removed and probably explains the pot luck kind of plants that turn up.But I have made some selections and with consultations and some old hand advice it looks we are back on track.There are currently 9 females and 7 males that are being combined and gone on with...a bit laborious but the only way when we are left with such a small sample.I will post some photos soon here to show you all what we are up to.Till then all the best Shantibaba
Mr Nice G13 x Skunk - Limited Release 60,00 € 15 seeds per pack
Tohle je pravděpodobně největší mediální konopná hvězda středního proudu, díky barvité mytologii, která obklopuje její původ. Dříve, než samičí klon G13 ztratil chuť do života, jsme jej my, MNS, zkombinovali s několika jinými stabilními hybridy, abychom ochránily genofond a abychom growerům dali možnost prozkoumávat a objevovat.
G13 rostlina se zdá být příbuzná rodu Afghani.V kombinaci s MNS Skunk linií vyprodukovala F1 semena excelentní kvality, zvláště se zvýšila léčebná hodnota (je používána při mnoha zdravotních obtížích,např. řízení bolesti, MS (myslím že jde o Muscle Spasm (svalové křeče)), artritídě a depresích).
Grower téhle odrůdy může očekávat výnos 500-650 gramů na metr čtvereční, při pěstování indoor.Hodně záleží na zvoleném stylu růstu a selekci rostlin.Jelikož jde o převážně indiku, rostliny se moc nevytahují a dobré výsledky dosáhne i méně zkušený pěstitel.Květy mohou být velmi husté a v době, kdy se rostlina blíží k dozrání, je třeba kontrolovat výskyt plísně, pokud je v posledních týdnech vyšší vlhkost.Zjistili jsme, že převážná většina jedinců dozrála po 7 týdnech, jen malé procento si žádalo týden až 10 dnů navíc.Ieální se zdá býti použití techniky sea of green, neméně však budou uchváceni outdoor pěstitělé.Tato rostlina nese dva odlišující znaky, typické pro G13.Listy se zakulacenými zuby a neobyčejně zdravě zelenou (jakoby leštěnou) barvu u rostoucích jedinců.Pokud hledáte rostlinu, která je ve středu zájmu, tak tohle je Vaše holka.
Mr Nice G13 x Skunk - Limited Release 60,00 € 15 seeds per pack
This is probably one of the biggest mainstream cannabis media stars, due to the rather colorful mythology that surrounds the stories of its origin.
Before the female clone of G13 lost its vigour for life, we at MNS combined it with several other stable hybrids to preserve the genetic pool and enable growers to explore and discover .
The origins of this plant seem to be in line with an Afghani ancestry. Combining that with the MNS skunk line make the F1 seeds excellent value, particularly regarding the more medicinally valued plants (used for many medical ailments including pain management, MS, arthritis and depression).
The yields that a grower of this strain should expect for indoor cultivation should be between at least 500-650 grams per square meter. It depends upon the style of growing and the selection of the plant. Since it is predominantly indica, this plant does not stretch much and can be grown quite easily by beginning to advanced growers with good results. The flower cluster can be very dense, and as the plant draws closer to maturity, it should be monitored for mould if the humidity is moderate to high during the last weeks of the plants life.
We found that the majority of the plants are finished after 7 weeks flowering with a very small percentage taking a week to 10 days more. This plant would be fine to be used in a sea of green type cultivation and is equally impressive for both the indoor and outdoor growers.
The two distinctive features that the G13 plant brings with it are a serrated edged leaf trait and an unusually healthy (almost glossy) green in the growing plant. If looking to find a plant for grow that is used to the limelight, then this is the girl.
safra, trochu jsem Sandymu popletl jmeno.Tady je verze týpka co si říká Nom de Fleur
Hi, all
The G-13 clone was discovered by a guy named Sandy Wienstien. A founding member of Sacred Seeds, Breeder of Early Girl, He also discovered the Bay Area Durban Poison clone (the same clone All dutch DP is based on). During the mid
70's Sandy W and members of the Bay Area (SK#1) group were working in cooperation on some of their afgans. A couple of the plants intro'd early into
both programs brought a near fatal vunerabilty to grey mold. Both programs had
to backtrack while new afgans were found to replace the culled plants, as well as beginig an extensive tourure testing program for the remaning stock.
Sandy had a group of friends, growers who lived in his area (S.Ark-N Miss)
One of these friends was a grower, and first year botany student who had,
by shear accident, landed a job working with Carlton Turner , who ran the US gov. pot program @ U of Miss. Sandy's friends job? using the early,rather primitive tests they had at the time to test Afganica plants for THC level!
As Sandy's Early Girl program in the MW and the Skunk#1 people in Cali were on
a desperate search for Afganicas. Sandy enlisted his friend to send him anything
"interesting". Sandy's friend sent him 23 plants in all, and to differetiate these from his regular Afgani stock, which he labeled A1, A2 etc., Sandy designated his
"government" plants G1-23. None of these were used in any Sacred Seeds breeding program. Sandy saved only a very few of these G clones, among these was G-13. He was to busy and never had a chance to do anything with it, so it stayed on the shelf. But he saved it knowing it was a special plant, a "sport".
In its pure form it was apparently not very pleasant smoke, tasting like lawn
clippings, soaked in a mixture of urine and feces (fecal flavors are common in pure afganicas) with a lovelly aftertaste of burning tires. The shear power could not be
denied however and that's what made the strain's rep. As I sayed, G-13 was a breeders plant, (see MJ Botony p70) for a description of a sport but basically it's
a plant that shows benificial mutations which can be passed down to the next gen. In the case of G-13 it was a scraglly plant with lowish yields, but it had the
desirable trait of massive resin production. So much so, that if you let it go to long
it could supposedly choke itself. Some sativas can do this, what Shanti calls the "Widow" sport is an example, but it's very rare in an indica.
It was during Nevil's 83/84 collection trips to the US that he aquired, from Sandy W the only G-13 cuttings to ever leave Sandy's garden. Nevil returned to Holland
and made three crosses with G-13 @ the Seed Bank.
G-13x Haze (in catolog only 1 yr, discontinued, no extent P1's)
G-13x Hashplant (discontinued, currently Sensi Seeds: mr nice)
G-13x Skunk#1 (last and, according to Nevil, the best of the G crosses.
Nev gave Shanti the last of this stock. Shanti, after
suffering alarmingly low germ rates initially from the
20 year old seeds, put them though a number of
breeding cycles and you all lucky bastarts are beta
testing the results.)
Sandy Wienstein passed away in 1987. If you have the '88 edition of Mel's
Indoor Guide, then you have Mel's wonderfull euligy to his friend.(Mel was
part of the upstate NY group, which was a sattelitte of Sandy's midwest group.
Mel and Co. were not breeders but the ran beta grows for Sandy's Early Girl
proj. Just look pic's captioned Durban poison x Afgani in upstate NY from any
of mel's books.)
For those who don't have this vintage edition, just turn your copy of Mel's
Deluxe MJ grow guide to the back cover. The guy in the red pendelton shirt
and the long hair and shades, Thats Sandy. You owe him more than you know
Diky lidi za tolik informaci.Ani jsem necekal,ze se toho da o jednom modelu tolik nalezt.Historie G13 a jejich krizencu je opravdu zajimava.Urcite se podle tehle informaci budu ridit v pripade,ze budu nekdy zase G trinactku kupovat.Uz se tesim co me z ty moji G13 vyroste a jestli to bude opravdu stat za to jak hlasovala zatim vetsina lidi
Historii neznam, nicmene mam tu moznost to dost casto kourit, a mam z toho lehce narko stavy... uplne jemny dym, nikdy nikdo z toho nekaslal a vysledek se dostavuje do 5 ti minut, pokud by toho nekdo zkouril povicero tak se asi zblazni
Jak sem rikal tak ja z toho mam fakt takove silne az narkoticke stavy, ta delka zhulenosti zavisi na tom kolik toho zkouris ale dam ti priklad z ktereho pochopis co to je zac ... prumerny joint 0,5g zkouris to ve 2 lidech (mozna nedokourite) a ste off tak na dve hodinky a pak se dostavuje uplne moc velky kopr. Dusevni unava, nic se ti nechce, nejradsi by sis jenom nekde lehl a poslouchal ptaci zpev . Takze ten stav od strizliva do strizliva trva takovejch 3,5 hodiny z toho jointa. Doporucuju nekurakum aby do jointu s G13 nedavali tabak, to by pak hrozilo zhrouceni. Mam tu zkusenost .. se vám musim svěřit...držim teplotu v boxu 26stC...takže naštěstí moc nesmrdí...ale když na ni jen šáhnu TAK HNEDKA NEHORAZNĚ ZAČNE SMRDĚT jako bych topil petrolejem
každopadně to není až tak normální kytka jak jsem si myslel...tlustý kožovitý listy...