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Registrován: Feb 2001
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Příspěvek č. 49

tak RC byl dneska (včera?) propuštěn na svobodu
teď uvidíme co dál...


Marijuana nezabíjí Marijuana není přestupní drogou * Úspěšnost represe
Grow #2 * Grow #3 - Everybody can grow * MUSHROOM GROW


Old Post 09-02-2006 v 08:26 AM
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Karma uživatele Jahudka! - 95% Pěstitelská

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Příspěvek č. 50

Dude - Odkad cerpas informace?

-Můj 1 indoor 400w-Jahůdkova laboratoř 2nd round.Kontinuální SoG, 60ks rostlin na 0,75m2,400w son-t agro>>(právě jede)-Vzhůru kořenama 2 - tentokrát od Jahůdky.-Jaké je nejlepší osvětlení pro matkárnu / řízkovnu?-Jak je to se začátkem doby květu a začátkem doby hnojení?-Je lepší keramzit nebo oblázky?-Poradna proti únavě po hulení.-V jaké výšce přepnout kytku na květ?A neb jak na to,aby nám to nepřerostlo.-Automatický zavlažovací systém Tropf Blumat (recenze)

Problémový člen No2

Old Post 09-02-2006 v 11:19 AM
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Příspěvek č. 51

icmag - oldpink


Marijuana nezabíjí Marijuana není přestupní drogou * Úspěšnost represe
Grow #2 * Grow #3 - Everybody can grow * MUSHROOM GROW


Old Post 09-02-2006 v 12:09 PM
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at the edge of the future

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Pohodička RC sbalil prachy a vypadnul! Příspěvek č. 52

To co se mi již včera zdálo divné, tj. že minimálně dva OG servery jsou naživu, odpovídají na pingy a dokonce se hlásí svými jmény při otevření portu, čili jinými slovy rozhodně nebyly zabaveny kanadskou policií; se mi začíná potvrzovat... Společně s Hlavou jsme polemizovali zda se spíše nejedná o nepovedený upgrade na vbulletin v3.

Marc Emery, od kterého údajně přišly první zprávy o zabavení serverů, se nyní vyjádřil, že Richard Calrisian prostě "sbalil prachy a vypadnul". Rozhodně to dává větší smysl, než konspirační teorie na icmagu a ...

Více zde:

"Nechci radit, nechci kázat, chci jen apelovat, že život je jak joint, kterej se musíme naučit pokuřovat." - Dědek, 6 Polnic
Oficiální Suvenýry Grower pouze pro členy

Old Post 09-02-2006 v 17:23 PM
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Registrován: Feb 2001
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Příspěvek č. 53

carlos - nevim - spish ych bral jako smerodatnejsi OP na ICMagu, nez Emeryho, kterej se s OG dlouhodobe moc nemusi a v kruzich neni az tak "trust-worthy" (aktivismus vynechávám) - podle OP - - dle OP info - byl RC zatcen kvuli obchodu se seminkama - nemelo by byt spojeno s OG a CW - ty byly vypnutyn na RCs prikaz a snad nebyly ani zabaveny...


Marijuana nezabíjí Marijuana není přestupní drogou * Úspěšnost represe
Grow #2 * Grow #3 - Everybody can grow * MUSHROOM GROW


Old Post 10-02-2006 v 08:59 AM
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Stálý Člen

Karma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Feb 2001
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Příspěvek č. 54

v te dobe kdy servery spadly melo dochazet k upgradu na OG nebo dokonce zrovna je info, co mam jaz IC Magu...a tomu by i odpovidalo, ze jeste castecne jedou, jak uz sem psal v drivejsim prispevku
A Emmery je v mejch ocich podobnej hajzlik jako vlastnik greenhousu Arian (to je ten smeckar co uplaci high times cannabis cup, pro ty co netusi), tagze ty sracky co bleje do eteru bych vubec nebral vazne...
I kdyz na druhou stranu vsechno je mozne, to co Emmery tvrdi ma sviiim zpusobem rozhodne hlavu i patu ???

tagze ja cekam........

Old Post 10-02-2006 v 10:03 AM
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Nový Člen

Karma uživatele Rhenium3 - 0% Pěstitelská

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POZOR!!!! Příspěvek č. 55

Please translate to Czech someone. I am not sure if this matters for us or not....

Today, 04:43 PM
Plural of Mongoose

RC is working with the Authorities. OG and CW IP's were logged.
About 48 hours ago I broke my 26 month long self-imposed exile from the internet to post the results of my converstations with RC. Nobody else seemed to the the will or ability to track down and talk to him, and my concerns for the industry and the people I love who participate in it out weighed the enjoyment of my recent relative obscurity. I was sure any calls were going to be monitored, but hey - it's not like my name has never been associated with cannabis seeds, eh. So I called RC. Twice.

The first call was to get his story of what happened to him, and the servers for Overgrow and Cannabis World, and to offer support, financial and otherwise. I had been in contact with a few friends and business acquaintances, and had passed the virtual hat around - to the tune of well over US$50,000 pledged to assist RC, with no strings attached. RC said he would have to talk to his lawyers first for instructions on handling such a large donation. OK, fine. RC has all my contact numbers (always had, btw) and I expected a call the next day with instructions from his lawyers.

After my first call to him, I noted that Marc Emery from Cannabis Culture had a front page story saying RC had split the country, etcetera. Fuck. So, after some introspection, I decided to take the plunge - I was returning to my long lost home, the internet. RC had told me he would be releasing a statement, drawn up with the assistance of his lawyers, within 24 hours. Now, I had taken RC at his word as to what had happened, and I thought his clients, suppliers and members of his sites should have at least an idea of what happened, so I called him back, and said so. He agreed I could post what I put in my first post on the internet in 26 months.

Some things RC said to me didn't sit well with me. I did wake the guy up, but still... my instincts were making my hackles rise. As time passed, I kept thinking - who the fuck doesn't leap on a US$50,000 gift? My instincts said I wouldn't hear from his lawyers about it. I was correct.

Now, I have known RC's real name - and much more information about him, from back in the day when I made a deal with ~Shabang~ to buy out his 1/2 of Overgrow. I started doing the phone call thing to newspapers, the Quebec Provincial Police, RCMP public affairs office, blah, blah, blah. No record of an arrest. No record of bail or release. No records for RC, period. I had a couple of phone calls with ~Shabang~ as well, as he is one of the few people in the world I felt comfortable brain-storming with some of the information I was working with. I trust ~S with my life.

I called everyone I knew - and I know a fuckload of folks - to try and pry out some facts. I got a ton of calls, PM's and emails, and the picture they were painting wasn't jiving with some 'facts' that RC gave me. In fact, the fucker lied to me - to you - to the industry.

Just after midnight last night, I got a call from Marc Emery. Some of you may have heard of him. If you want to Marc bash, stay the fuck outta this thread. I've been in this industry for quite some time, and I don't believe in tearing down anyone who has the guts and determination for a cause that he does. If you don't like doing business with him, then don't. I have managed to negotiate this industry for years without hurting and name calling of people who are, in my eyes, on the same side. (Just ask Dr. Chronic - shortly after his site launched on OG - and when Gypsy was, as usual acting like an asshole and treating the Doc like shit on the boards, his site went down - hardware failure. That day was the first time I talked to the Doc - I called him and offered to host his site until his hardware was repaired. He declined, but that was the basis of a solid business relationship with him, one of my competitors. I have since met the Doc, and he is one of those truly rare finds - an honest to goodness decent and nice man. I would like to think I can call Dr. Chronic my friend, and I won't put up with any Doc bashing here either End of rant)

Emery and I chatted for over 1/2 an hour. At the outset, I was clear that I couldn't give him any information, but we could discuss what we both had knowledge of. I can tell you now that Emery had RC's real name for quite some time, and had been checking high and low, much like I had been, and had found no trace. Emery gave me a who's who list of people who know RC - in some cases for decades - and who RC had shunned any form of contact with since this all started. He quite graciously offered me all they had found out, and didn't pressure me for information in return. His concern for anyone affected by the fallout from this is genuine. The industry is in an uproar, and I hadn't seen anyone else with people working the phones trying to unearth the truth. By approximately 12:53 AM (GMT) Mr. Marc Scott Emery had earned my respect. We ended our chat, but now I still had more questions.

Rumours, speculation and innuendo filled the forums everywhere, and my instincts were screaming by now. Several details RC had given me were blatantly false, but not a smoking gun. Not yet.

And then, this morning at 10:30 AM (GMT) my phone rang. It was an old acquaintance of mine - and he had brought me a smoking gun. He had done business with RC, and RC paid him by check. The check was made out to a business that has nothing to do with cannabis or cannabis seeds. It was the only time that business had ever negotiated a payment from anyone in the industry. And he had just been raided, with the warrant looking for cannabis, cannabis seeds, and financial records. Fortunately, the raid was, well - a bust. Nothing was found, cops were red-faced, and my friend was fine. And pissed off. There is only one person who could have pointed the police to his business. Mr. Richard Baghdadlian, known to you as RC.

I don't doubt that RC was raided, and I don't doubt that his home and business were searched. In fact, I have confirmation they were. He was not arrested. He was at home when I called him, and has since shut off all contact with anyone. I called his lawyers (that little deal a few years ago with ~S, me, RC and OG had left me with all kinda interesting contacts) and they informed me they were not able to contact RC.

So, I'm gonna say it - and lemme tell you, this ain't easy, but now it's time to face some hard facts.

Richard Baghdadlian is co-operating with the authorities to save his own ass, at the expense of breeders, clients, and tens of thousands of members on his sites.

Anyone who had any financial transactions with RC in any way is at risk.

Anyone who posted on OG or CW is at risk. Those forums are gone, and will never be back - the security of every member has been comprimised.

I don't believe IP's were not logged on OG and CW. ~Shabang~ and I discussed this, and how ~S had originally set up the null logs, and db records. Since then, however, RC had instituted many 'anti-troll' features on the boards. Lemme 'splain...

Ask any troll here - if they posted from, say Proxy A one day, and then 3 days later from Proxy B, using the same handle, and admin got tired of them. So, they IP ban Proxy B, while the troll is still signed in. That's how RC would like you to believe it was done. However, if they then tried using a different handle, and Proxy A - well, damned if that one wasn't blocked as well. I can guarantee you that RC had gone back to some default settings to log IP's for everyone, all the time. There is no doubt.

RC is a rat.

OG and CW logged IP's.

The servers weren't seized - they didn't need to seize them - RC has given them complete access to the database records.

People are getting busted based on contact with RC.

Old Post 11-02-2006 v 21:25 PM
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Chosen One

Karma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Apofiss - 98% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Mar 2005
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Příspěvek č. 56

Tak jsem z toho pochopil že je RC pěkná svině a že se maj amíci proč bát...

#400/600/1000W-WR,NL,Mazar#Mad Idea No.2#Magořina#Kamrlík /150W/#Zvlhčování od A do Z#Zelená je tráva, fotbal to je hra!#Statistika strainguide Overgrow

Old Post 12-02-2006 v 12:07 PM
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Long Vehicle

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Registrován: Oct 2001
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Příspěvek č. 57

RC is a rat.

áRCí je krysa.....

Old Post 12-02-2006 v 12:14 PM
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Long Vehicle

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Příspěvek č. 58

Kdyby jste nekdo vzpominali na MyNameStichův thread o vyzive rostlin,skudcich a jinych problemech.... tak mate stesti protoze jsem si ho ulozil a dokonce jsem si dal praci to tu nacpat.....


Naposledy upravil inVALIDa 12-02-2006 v 21:17 PM

Old Post 12-02-2006 v 19:08 PM
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Karma uživatele Aidam - 0% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Jul 2005
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Příspěvek č. 59

2 Medicaluser: Tak ja treba na to budu jebat.Mam to tady rad,je to skoro jako druhej domov,ale na rozdil od toho skutecnyho tu na me nikdo nejeci at du se psem nebo at umeju nadobi a nikdo mi nenadava,ze sem zase zhulenej.Grower forever

Old Post 12-02-2006 v 21:12 PM
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Karma uživatele Sinuhet - 92% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Apr 2004
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Příspěvek č. 60

Podle jinych informaci je to ocernovani RC nekym s kym se nemaji radi. RC byl pry propusten a pracuje se na jeho obzalobe. Servery jsou v bezpeci, policie je nema. RC byl pry obvinen za velke mnozstvi seminek.

Skříň 250W od začátku -
Sensi Star 250W kokos -
NFT, Sensi Star, Nurturlite, Metrop -
Základy genetiky - Relativní vlhkost

Každá osoba reaguje na různé chemikálie různě.
Znej své tělo - Znej svou mysl - Znej svou substanci - Znej svůj zdroj. (

Old Post 13-02-2006 v 16:01 PM
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Karma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Hellboy - 83% Pěstitelská

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Příspěvek č. 61

Pockal bych jak to dopadne....nikdo nevi, jestli to opravdu postuje chronic a jestli to je pravda...plural of moongose pliva na RCeho a GypSyho...oni zase na PoMa, prej je to zmrd a zakernej smejd...coz POm rika o RCcem....emmery je na strane Poga a Chronica....
Hromada lidi postuje, ze OG si logoval IPcka presto, ze tvrdili, ze ne(to by vysvetlovalo Bannovani IP, ktere ale shabang pred nekolika lety vypnul, mezitim ale svuj podil OG prodal) ....


Naposledy upravil Hellboy 17-02-2006 v 07:31 AM

Old Post 16-02-2006 v 14:16 PM
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Příspěvek č. 62

pravda je tam venku nekde, scullyová neasi
mno já sem se rozhod, ze budu verit tej nejoptimistictejsi variante a ze treba og/cw jeste naskoci


Marijuana nezabíjí Marijuana není přestupní drogou * Úspěšnost represe
Grow #2 * Grow #3 - Everybody can grow * MUSHROOM GROW


Old Post 16-02-2006 v 14:33 PM
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Karma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% PěstitelskáKarma uživatele Dude - 50% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Feb 2001
Příspěvků: 2582  

Příspěvek č. 63

burn the witches!!!



Marijuana nezabíjí Marijuana není přestupní drogou * Úspěšnost represe
Grow #2 * Grow #3 - Everybody can grow * MUSHROOM GROW


Old Post 02-03-2006 v 08:41 AM
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Stálý Člen

Karma uživatele Jahudka! - 95% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Jun 2005
Příspěvků: 2000  

Příspěvek č. 64

Mohl by nekdo do jedny,dvou vet shrnout co je teda s OG?

-Můj 1 indoor 400w-Jahůdkova laboratoř 2nd round.Kontinuální SoG, 60ks rostlin na 0,75m2,400w son-t agro>>(právě jede)-Vzhůru kořenama 2 - tentokrát od Jahůdky.-Jaké je nejlepší osvětlení pro matkárnu / řízkovnu?-Jak je to se začátkem doby květu a začátkem doby hnojení?-Je lepší keramzit nebo oblázky?-Poradna proti únavě po hulení.-V jaké výšce přepnout kytku na květ?A neb jak na to,aby nám to nepřerostlo.-Automatický zavlažovací systém Tropf Blumat (recenze)

Problémový člen No2

Old Post 02-03-2006 v 09:54 AM
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