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Vím že je to uzpůsobené podmínkama které holkám dám ale lepší jim dát nemůžu.
Rostou v zahradnickém substrátu s perlitem.
Hnojeno pouze zbytky čaje.
Balkon je orientovaný na sever takže přímého slunce je velmi málo asi hodinu denně.
Jakmile už bude velká zima na ně, schovám je za okno.
I know that it is adapted to the conditions that give girls better but they can not give.
They grow in the horticultural perlite substrate.
Fertilization only remnants of tea.
The balcony is facing north so that direct sunlight is very little about an hour a day.
Once it will be too cold for them, hide them behind a window.
You are welcome my friend,
next time, try to give her more direct sunlight hours.
Cannabis needs lots of light, and water; with this parameters covered, you can give some fertilizer to get bigger flowers. But the most important is the amount of light hours.
Hope you can give them more of this