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Zdravim, měl jsem ventilator rozbil se... je u něho 3rychlostní regulace... dá se to použít na ufo???
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Zapojení by mělo být L- do toho dát ty drátky ČERVENEJ,MODREJ,BÍLEJ dohromady a do N-MODRÝ KTERÝ JDE DO ČERNÝ, A ZEM JE ZEM...
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
nejsem si jist tím, co to máš za regulátor. Neměl ten motor co odešel náhodou odbočky na vinutí?
a jsem trocha víc zmatený tím co jsi napsal u fotky regulátoru o tom jeho zapojení, je to takové nesmyslné
No odbočky na vinutí nevim co je, ale do motoru šli tyhle dráta: ŽLUTEJ,ZELENEJ,ČERVENEJ,MODREJ,BÍLEJ
No to zapojení tak bych to udělal já jakožto lajk Kdyžtak oprav...
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Tak to Ti kamaráde na UFO asi nepújde. Motor měl pravděpodobně pro rúzné rychlosti rúzná vinutí a ten regulátor je pouhý přepínač odboček.
Díky vyhazuju
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body