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Registrován: Aug 2005
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Nápad So, let's get this party started. Příspěvek č. 1

To begin our copulation of English material on growing at I figured we could start with collecting some old texts from OG, for example I would be dearly gratefull if someone has saved the thread from MynameStitch on plant diseases and nutrient deficiencies. It was rather complete and had many photos. Pls I am not looking for links, but actual written texts. So pls. Post them here (cut and paste/ include sources if possible). Also I am looking for information on Aquaponics in English, and not any of those boring large-scale agriculture texts, some actual real grows would be nice.

May we all find happiness somewhere on this green planet.

Take it cheesy...

Little Love Shack
Sugar Shack

Old Post 11-02-2006 v 17:20 PM
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