je největší autorita v oblasti pěstování konopí na českém i slovenském internetu. Veškeré sekce jsou přístupné pro anonymní čtení. Pokud se nespokojíš s pouhou návštěvou a chceš se aktivně zapojit do diskusí ve fóru a na chatu, odpovídat na inzeráty a šifrovaně komunikovat s tisíci dalších pěstitelů soukromými vzkazy anebo se pochlubit svou fotogalerií - Registruj se! - Získáš inspiraci i cenné rady!
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (to contestants from number 25 to number 32 seeds were sent Monday the 19th of December and should arrive between the 21st and the 28th of December)
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (to contestants from number 33 to number 40 seeds were sent Tuesday the 27th of December and should arrive between the 2nd and the 9th of January)
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (to contestants from number 41 to number 51 seeds were sent in the 9th of January and should arrive between the 11th and the 17th of January)
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (to contestants from number 51 to number 59 seeds will be sent between the 23th and the 24th of January and should arrive between the 25th and the 31th of January)
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (to contestants from number 60 to number [?] seeds will be sent between the 1sh and the 3rd of February and should arrive between the 7th and the 14th of February)
+ = Have already confirmed that the seeds have arrived (31 so far)
This users have sent a valid PM, confirmed they're intention to participate in this thread, so can be considered as candidates to participate in our 3rd Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition.
You can still enter, our stock of seeds for the contest is of more than 1000 seeds, so we have seeds for more than 100 participants
Tell your friends about it, I'm sure many people would like to participate but are not informed about this. And now we also have the contest bases translated to Czech, so everyone can get informed about it and participate.
Thanks!! I'll keep sharing the news with you over here. Sweet regards,