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lil sem FD do poslední indoor sklizně a myslim že prakticky při kouření žádný defekty nevznikali takhle úplně na to že sem je moc nehnojil byl výnos dobrej ! nicméně sere mě že si musíš za tisícovku koupit FD a a pak k němu koupit cleaner kterej ti to vyčistí z půdy - to je mluví samo za sebe imho to nebude taková tragedie, ale obejdu se i bez FD - stačí přepnout dřív a rozumně hnojit
Původní příspěvek od jusr lil sem FD do poslední indoor sklizně a myslim že prakticky při kouření žádný defekty nevznikali na to že sem je moc nehnojil byl výnos dobrej ! nicméně sere mě že si musíš za tisícovku koupit FD a a pak k němu koupit cleaner kterej ti to vyčistí z půdy - to je mluví samo za sebe imho to nebude taková tragedie, ale obejdu se i bez FD - stačí přepnout dřív a rozumně hnojit
Na co kupovat nějakej čistič když stačí peroxid vodíku?!
jako ten peroxid rozloží ten daminozide - dimethylhydrazid kyseliny jantarové? asi ne, akorát tím v hlíně vymydlíš vše živé a ta chemka ti tam zůstane
Citace z facebookového profilu Flower
Výrobce Flower Dragon nás upozornil na jednu zásadní věc. Kdo recyklujete hlínu nebo kokos, FD bude stále aktivní a rostliny porostou velice pomalu.
Brzy nabídneme nový produkt, Recovery Dragon, který bude právě na recyklaci médií.
Do té doby je řešením napustit medium vodou s peroxidem vodíku (5-10 ml 35% peroxid/l vody) a nechat 24 h působit. Poté řádně propláchnout vodou s kyselinou citronovou.
Neznám označení CHEMKA, co to je?
Jenom pro úplnost se peroxid vodíku rozkládá na světle či na vzduchu na vodu a kyslík, podle rovnice:
2 H2O2 = 2 H2O + O2
Z molekuly peroxidu se odštěpí radikál kyslíku O. , který je vysoce reaktivní (proto dezinfekční účinky a schopnost oxidovat účinné látky ve FD). Za nějaký čás (zlomky sekund) dochází k terminaci, tedy ukončení života radikálů a sloučením s druhým radikálem O. a vzniká kyslík O2, který jako plyn uniká z vodného roztoku.
Možná lepší dezinfikovat celý objem půdy a na nové kolo nasadit novou kulturu trichodermy, polyversa a jiných baktarií. Pokud ne tak nepoužívat FD.
Výrobce Flower Dragon nás upozornil na jednu zásadní věc. Kdo recyklujete hlínu nebo kokos, FD bude stále aktivní a rostliny porostou velice pomalu.
Brzy nabídneme nový produkt, Recovery Dragon, který bude právě na recyklaci médií.
Do té doby je řešením napustit medium vodou s peroxidem vodíku (5-10 ml 35% peroxid/l vody) a nechat 24 h působit. Poté řádně propláchnout vodou s kyselinou citronovou.
Neznám označení CHEMKA, co to je?
Jenom pro úplnost se peroxid vodíku rozkládá na světle či na vzduchu na vodu a kyslík, podle rovnice:
2 H2O2 = 2 H2O + O2
Z molekuly peroxidu se odštěpí radikál kyslíku O. , který je vysoce reaktivní (proto dezinfekční účinky a schopnost oxidovat účinné látky ve FD). Za nějaký čás (zlomky sekund) dochází k terminaci, tedy ukončení života radikálů a sloučením s druhým radikálem O. a vzniká kyslík O2, který jako plyn uniká z vodného roztoku.
Možná lepší dezinfikovat celý objem půdy a na nové kolo nasadit novou kulturu trichodermy, polyversa a jiných baktarií. Pokud ne tak nepoužívat FD.
Měj se.
díky, tak po tomhle to leju do kanálu. Nebudu přeci hlínu proplachovat peroxidem a pak kyselinou, zabiju tím všechno co dělá hlínu hlínou.
A aby to nebyl jen nazor vyrobce FD, napsal sem manikovi z pise:
Thanks - he forgets to mention Daminozide is the key active in Flower Dragon. Daminozide is banned for use in any consumable crop! Oh and I'm a journalist with a degree in chemistry. So perhaps ask him all about Daminozide (AKA Alar).
PS. What the Californian Agricultural Dep found in Flower Dragon was Paclobutrazol and Daminozide. The exact same actives that were found in Superbud years before. Superbud was subsequently renamed Phosphoload and illegally has been sold ever since. There is currently a major investigation into these products in the US and Flower Dragon, Top Load and Phosphoload all contained Daminozide while Bushmaster and Gravity were found to contain Paclobutrazol. Unfortunately because there is an ongoing investigation into the companies behind these products I have had to wait a very long time for FOIA but will being making this FOIA (including lab findings) public as soon as I receive it.
You should perhaps read my article that explains the legal complexities of these products. The main one being cannabis is not a consumable crop because of its illegal status. What I can however tell you is Daminozide is banned for use in any consumable crop on a global level (not just the US). The question has to be - do you really think they ban products that are safe to use?
Mr Berlow certainly knows how to spin a good story:-)
Takze to zas tak super s tim FD nebude, pisou na lahev ty bludy protoze by se to pak nemohlo tak jednoduse prodavat nemohlo. Takze je kazdeho volba co bude svym kytkam davat.
Aby jsme nebyli přiliš jednostraní tady je odpověd od Steeva Berlowa na to co je napsano na
Re: Flower Dragon
I think to better explain Flower Dragon and what it is and to allay some misconceptions we really need to look first at what Paclobutrazol is and what it isn’t so you can be better informed. It seems that the action
Firstly Paclobutrazol is a safe product to use and is used on many crops worldwide including; Avocadoes, Peaches, Cherries, and Mangoes – in fact it is more safe than many of the chemical salts used to make regular nutrients for the plants. People who say that Paclobutrazol is unsafe or unhealthy to use are misinformed and should look to correct scientific data and not the growers forums for their information – LOL!
The LD50 or the amount needed to give rats to cause death in 50% of them is 5, of weight. For a human this would equal 378,000mg or almost ½ a kilogram for an average person! Compare this to the LD 50 of say Potassium Nitrate, a commonly used salt in every hydroponic fertilizer of 3,500mg/kg.
This mean that potassium nitrate is 50% more poisonous or deadly than Paclobutrazol!!! But of course we know that Potassium Nitrate is not poisonous or dangerous to us in normal amounts - so it is easy to see how ridiculous these health scares for paclobutrazol is.
So now for Paclobutrazol and growing of resinous plants.
Paclobutrazol is a very poor choice for providing the plants as it severs ( disconnect ) the pathway responsible for producing the resins – the gibberilic pathway.
The gibberilic pathway is also responsible for the upward growth of the plant. So paclobutrazol is good for controlling the height but not for resin plants as it stops the production of resin also!
An easy way to see for the use of paclobutrazol is to see that the plant does not produce very much resin at all!
So we can see this is maybe a good choice for the height control but not if the plant you want to grow also makes resins. So now that we know a little of the background of Paclobutrazol let us look at Flower Dragon
Flower Dragon was never designed as a height control product. It was designed as a product that can make the flowers much larger with more resins – that are of high quality. The fact that Flower Dragon can control the height is a secondary benefit but not the main features or why Flower Dragon was design. The simple fact that Flower Dragon makes the plants produce much resin demonstrate that Flower Dragon is not a paclobutrazol based product.
Flower Dragon uses a different method to make the flowers larger and the plant produce more resins. For this we need to make the gene expression. The gene expression control how plants ( and animals and people ) can grow and develop in certain ways. For this we need to make the target genes produce more peptides and other compounds – such as sterols ( up-regulate ) that make for resin increases and to make other target genes make less compounds ( down-regulate ) to allow the flowers to be larger. This regulation occurs within the Shikimic Pathway ( which also regulate the production of gibberlinins ). By allowing for both up and down regulation of the genetic expression we can produce the results which are desired to us ( bigger flowers with more resin ). The part that gibberilin play in this is that for the flowers to develop fully – the production of gibberilin should slow – but not completely stop- this is important as gibberilins are also important in the production of resins and for the expansion of the cell membranes - but too much gibberilin make the flowers not grow as we would like.
The important compounds that Flower Dragon uses is 2 proprietary compounds develop by us.
One is what is generally known as an Arginine ligated triazole compound. The specific type and structure of this compound is of course a trade secret to us and so unfortunately Tomas we cannot disclose the precise nature of this compound – for it would then be easy for others to copy. The other is what is known as a quinalone type compound. Of course once again the exact type is also a trade secret to us. It maybe be a business mistake for me to disclose even this much of the secret and make it easier for others to copy but I know you have customers who would like some answers. I can assure you that both of the compounds are quite safe – in fact I regularly consume product that has been grown with Flower Dragon. I do this with pride!
The other ingredients are there to support phosphorus mobility and metabolisn. These include Citrates and Tartarates.
Citrates and tartarates are carboxylate anions that assist the plant in mobilising and uptaking phosphorus and metal ions. The main citrates - Citrate Succinate Citrate Acetate and Citrate Lactate – are very effective at making phosphorus more soluble and mobile. This allows the plant to have a constant supply of bio available phosphorus during times of heavy flower production.
Now for the strange stories that you have read on the internet by a guy whom I believe is a crazy guy - a guy called G. Low
This guy is a journalist who used to work in a hydroponic store in Australia ( maybe because he could not get work as a journalist>? ). He was used by several owners of different nutrient companies to make a scare campaign on the internet for a product called Super bud. This product was made by a company that I use to work for called Dutch Master.
The only things in his story that are true are;
Yes - I used to work for Dutch Master
Yes – I was responsible with Dr Deepak for the development of all the Dutch Master Products. In fact Dr Deepak was my personal tutor for 5 years!
Yes – I was the person behind much of the success of the Dutch Master products.
koukam ze to tu moc nezije, tak mi prisla dalsi odpoved od G.LOW
Hi again, shoot these to Steve Berlow and ask him why he was reluctant to tell you the truth.
I'll be going live soon with a load of lab analysis and other FOIA that I have now. Johnny there is those with integrity and those without integrity. Steve Berlow certainly falls well within the latter.
I'd appreciate you putting these up on your forum for now but I am sure word will spread like rapid fire when I take it live.
Go well - I'll let the lab analysis and other speak for me. Understand this and understand this well. Daminozide is potentially extremely toxic to smokers. It is banned for use in any consumable crop on a global level. These scumbags have been telling growers a pack of lies for many years. This information needs to go public.
at si kazdej pouziva co chce, ale nerikat zakaznikum pravdu opravdu neni dobra strategie pro firmu, obvykle cesta do pekla, nebo ne dlouho trvajici uspech
Původní příspěvek od tuffgong1 zudravím včera jsem se o tom bavil s člověkem v growshopu a taky nebil pro lití ke kitičkám a podle jeho slov dokonce zakazali výrobu v USA
Pane bože, nauč se psát ČESKY... jako kdyby to psalo mírně retardované dítě . (smažte mě, ale nemůžu to číst)
BTW has the full FOIA data I obtained, including recall notices. I'll post the final chapter in the story shortly. And yes I heard that Flower Dragon was hit hard in the UK. Apparently regulators there are telling people that if they are caught selling it they are in deep shit. These guys take Daminozide very seriously and there is an EU ban on Paclobutrazol.
Pokud si nikdo nevsim tak Flower Dragon jak rychle prisel tak rychle odesel, anglickej distributor Ikon International uz to na svych strankach nema, stejne tak ceskej ... vetsina obchodu uz to stahla ze svych stranek, jen hlupaci v to tam jeste maji a jeste par dalsich obchodu kterym je to zrejme jedno, ale je jen otazka casu nez si na ne nekdo posviti.