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Help - Maui Waui - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Bydlim ve Spanelsku. Ja a muj pritel rok pestujeme venku. A ted chceme zacit pestovat indoor. Kazdy se rozhodl pro jeden druh seminek a ja jsem si vybrala Hawaii/ Maui waui. Rada bych vedela vice o pestovani tohoto druhu indoor. Hledala jsem po netu a nic nenasla. Diky.
od jakej seed banky to je?a tam o tom info. budu
alebo do vyhladavaca zadaj odrodu,ale spravne
skús Genetics index, v ňom nájdeš aj Hawaii
No ja si myslim ze sa to spravne pise Maui Wowie. Tak skus aj tuto variantu pohladat na NEte!
alebo vies co tu to mas: (po anglicky urcite vies)

maui wowie(hana butter)

I lived in maui in the 70's when growing was a part of life in the Islands. The strain was mixed with thai and afghanie.Some of the growers grew elephant bud which was a hashplant. So Maui had many good strains on the island,just depends on what part of the island you lived.

The soil was so fertile that you could grow swagg and it would grow into a beautiful plant. The grower responsible of maui wowie, was vietnam vet. who went off into the jungles and made his home. He grew some insane plants from seeds he got in thailand.There was a diamond head concert in oahu, where buddy miles and santana was playing. He went over to oahu to check out the concert, As he rolled up and started to smoke, everyone around him noticed the smell. Like mangos and passion fruit with a hash smell. The crown went insane over this, As one tourist puff out on the joint, he said, where you from? the rest is history.

So maui had its share of good strains. When operation green harvest started the growers left the island and headed for the hills in humbolt and other varies northern california areas.....with their seeds.. So Maui wowie is a tourist thing.....

from the jungles of Kenai valley

OGmember Updated: 29Jun03
maui wowie is some of the most distinct smelling and growing herb i have ever come across. if you have the real maui, its easy to tell because its smell is so outlandish and chemical, reminds me of ammonia. the high is of course very up and cerebral, great daytime sativa with no burnout effect. the plants take a while to mature, but yields respectable with many smaller buds along LONG thick branches that stem from the bottom of the plant. this is one bitchy plant to grow, she will double in height during the flowering phase. if you can stick with her, maui is a great experience....
tak nasiel som este nieco lepsie. Je to z Nirvany. Akurat ze tam to je pod OUTDOOR sekciou takze neviem neviem.

nech sa paci:

Hawaii Maui Waui is a lanky tropical sativa, long a main attraction of the Hawaiian Islands. This strain has a citrus aroma and smooth fruity herbal flavour. The buzz from Hawaii Maui Waui is inspiring. These are old school genetics and not too overpowering like modern indoor strains tend to be. Through years of inbreeding we have captured that taste of the Valley Island.

Plant height: Tall- Mostly Sativa
Stoned or high?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz
THC level: Moderate 5-10%
Flowering Weeks: 7/8
Yield : 450
Harvest Month: 8/9
For: sabd666
jestli nemáte s přítelem dlouhodobější zkušenosti s indoor pěstováním - nelámejte si hlavu s extra tipama pro pěstování jednotlivých odrůd - budete nejspíš vrnět blahem když se vám na poprvé podaří alespoň zhruba dodržet všechny doporučené hodnoty plus mínus autobus :D
jinak stačí k orientaci informace kolik co obsahuje sativy vs. indiky - s tím že sativy mají známou tendenci k vytáhlám košťatům a indiky k příjemnějšímu míčovitému tvar :D - zcela generalizuji podotýkám.
To v praxi znamená že sativa dá víc práce se stříháním, tvarováním atd atd (ve většině případů)

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