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Ed Rosenthal: Beyond Buds Next Generation- kniha o koncentrátoch - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Tak som sa dnes odhodlal a objednal knihu, ktorá vyšla len nedávno -
Beyond Buds Next Generation a ktorej spoluautorom je známy Ed Rosenthal. Celkom sa na ňu teším, keďže o extraktoch sa pomaly začína diskutovať aj u nás, no stále je to tu oproti USA v plienkach.

Oficiálny popis knihy:
Are you interested in exploring the world of marijuana beyond the bud?

In Beyond Buds, Next Generation, ‘Guru of Ganja’ Ed Rosenthal, author of the much-loved Marijuana Grower’s Handbook & Greg Zeman, Assistant Editor at Cannabis Now will walk you step-by-step through the most cutting-edge methods of cannabis consumption.

If you want to stay up to date with the latest innovation and developments in the cannabis industry, this book is for you.

Beyond Buds, Next Generation is designed to help you:

- Discover the benefits of CBD and other healing cannabinoids.
- Understand what Co2 extracts are and how to make them.
- Learn the inside scoop on rosin and resin.
- Stay up to date on the latest developments in dabbing gear and culture.
- Decide which vape is right for you.
- Reveal the latest trends in spa products and cannabis services.
- Teach you the cutting-edge techniques being used inCO2 and BHO concentrates.
- Use simple tools and techniques to easily turn your extra trim into hash, salves and lubes.

The burgeoning concentrate industry is evolving with unprecedented speed and relentless innovation. Beyond Buds, Next Generation is your authoritative guide to the latest developments.

Planujem tiež kupu tejto knihy oplati sa investovat su tam info ktore nenajdes bežne na nete?

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Kniha vypadá dobře ale nikde jsem nenašel PDF ke stažení ...
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Už je na ceste hneď ako ju obdržim tak tu pridám pdf verziu pre ľudi ktori by chceli najsť info a nemaju dostatok financii

Priadavam link na Edovu knihu bez obrazkov ale je tam 232 stran čitania.
Bomba děkuji!
Ahoj, začínám se poohlížet po tištěné verzi knihy. ebook není pro mě. kde jsi ji nakupoval ?

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