~ Pěstování ~ ~ Pěstování Marihuany Archív > Komunita > Úvod do Groweru

Hi Guys - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Hello everyone, new in Czech Republic, new in Plzen, new hobby :). Will take me some time to go through the forum with google translator. Any hints with startup and contacts, don't hesitate to help :).

Zdar jak sviňa. :D
Váchy 55
Tak jako kolega JAHmaican.. Čégo bejku!
That was very helpful... I think :). Any other hints?
for growing tips check out any english forum. looks much easier to me than google translate
u mean .. growing Tips.. Or Tips For your Setting easy to hide ? or what kind of tips are you looking for ?
I need any tips. In US it was legal, at least to my extend (Medical).
As far as I understand it's legal in Czech to grow up to 5 plants - correct me if I'm wrong.
If that's the case, I'm looking for someone to explain me what and how and would definitely prefer to talk, as I'm here - where to buy what - to my understanding seeds are legal everywhere.
To make it clear, I'm not talking about opening a plantation :). Want to grow a plant or two at home.
Im not 100% Sure.. but they changed that 5 plants To U can grow a lot of plants but they said a minimal % THC so if they find u with it not depeds on if u have 1 5 or 10 u cant have a big platform here its Too dangerous > ask our Vietnam Brothers.. :D

So if u want to have one or two plants u just have to make some solutions With Smell and Noise... If nobody in Flat ( big house Full of Homes With families ) have problem with smell or noise.. u are free .. u just need this... No Smell No Noise.. No talk about ur Grow.. and u are Done :)

Try to be annonymus In our Contry :D

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