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3x Sweet cheese na poslední chvíli 2013 - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Rozhodl jsem se že vyzkouším co se dá vypěstovat když se pozdě zasadí.

S.CH. byly zasazeny 19.8.2013
5 dní na růstu
16. den
Sweet Seeds [tommy]
Hi G.M.O.!

Very nive my friend, thanks for sharing your experience with Sweet Cheese Auto ;)

I'll keep passing by, sweet smokes!

Zdravím všechny growers.

Hodně jsem si uletěl s tímto grow pokusem :)
Holky jsou dnes 31 den na růstu a nevypadá to vůbec slibně.

Už neočekávám úspěch, jde pouze o pokus.

Když si vememe že nejpozději co jsem kdy sklízel bylo někdy kolem 20.11.
což vychází od teď na víc jak 50 dní tak by mohlo být alespoň na brko. :))

posílám fotky a držte pěsti pro štěstí :))
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
Hi Gmo,
which are the conditions, soil, fertilizers that you have used in this grow? i will try to help you with this ;)
Vím že je to uzpůsobené podmínkama které holkám dám ale lepší jim dát nemůžu.
Rostou v zahradnickém substrátu s perlitem.
Hnojeno pouze zbytky čaje.
Balkon je orientovaný na sever takže přímého slunce je velmi málo asi hodinu denně.
Jakmile už bude velká zima na ně, schovám je za okno.

I know that it is adapted to the conditions that give girls better but they can not give.
They grow in the horticultural perlite substrate.
Fertilization only remnants of tea.
The balcony is facing north so that direct sunlight is very little about an hour a day.
Once it will be too cold for them, hide them behind a window.
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
Hi GMO, ;)
I am sure your problem is the only one hour that she receives...
do you have indoor?
Unfortunately, I do not understand much but somehow it definitely handle outdoor
I understood what you meant ... certainly it somehow reaches it is only an attempt to
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
You are welcome my friend, ;)
next time, try to give her more direct sunlight hours.

Cannabis needs lots of light, and water; with this parameters covered, you can give some fertilizer to get bigger flowers. But the most important is the amount of light hours.
Hope you can give them more of this ;)

Sweet Smokes!
I know I know ... grass growing there for me I just got away with it agrees that the weather was slowly coming winter
42. den
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
Thanks for the update G.M.O. and good luck with the grow, my friend!
i'll be around to watch what happens ;)
sweet smokes!
Sweet Seeds [tommy]
Hi G.M.O.

They seem to be looking a bit better now. Lets hope they keep with it my friend,

Sweet smokes!

57. den
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
hi GMO, ,thanks for the update my friend, The plants are looking good. i can see a yellow color in their leaves, but maybe the problem is the light in the room when you take the pics.
i will keep passing by :)
sweet smokes
Hi, in fact, the color of fresh green I do not think they lack nutrients.
Photographed cell phone, so I apologize for the quality of photos.
The lowest morning temperatures already dropping to 0 C high afternoon temperatures around 19 C
I'll see how long it will go out there ... If you miss the snow ripen go for the window.
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
Hi GMO, you are right, i also thought that the problem with the yellow color is only for the pics. Thanks for the reply ;)

Good luck with the temperatures my friend!
Hi , bring another report of 64 days.
Temperatures are still somehow keeps taak afternoon highs 22C morning lows around 5 C, but it will probably get worse :)
Yesterday, for the first time zahnojeno Alga bloom.
Plants as members with a large humidity and flower pots are soaked with water.

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