~ Pěstování ~ ~ Pěstování Marihuany Archív > Pěstování > Odrůdy a Šlechtění > Sweet Seeds

-Presentation new forum moderator- Sweet Seeds - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Sweet Seeds [Jaypp]
"Hello everyone! :smokin:

I'm starting this thread to present myself to you guys as moderator of this space, together with Tommy. I will also be around and will do my best to help you out as quick as possible. But, I should add, some subjects will have to wait for Tommy's help because I'm just starting and some things may better be left to Tommy in a first stage.

Don't hesitate to post whatever you think that you should post. I just ask for a bit of patience if you don't get an answer right away. That just means that due to my inexperience in this new job it will need a bit more time but sooner or later every question will be answered or at least we'll do our best to find an answer/solution.

That's it dear mates, little by little we'll get to know each other better and we will be able to share the love we have for our favourite plant, cannabis, which is even more special when sweet.

Sweet smokes.


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