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flusing s biocanna a jine biohnojky???? - Klikni zde pro originální téma
tesotval ste nekdo flusing s biocannou????
moje vysledky hovori za to ze kyti necisteny a kyti cisteny 7 dni vodou z RO byly narosto totozny zkousel to taky nekdo???? jiny hnojky, delka cisteni u "bioHNOJEK"? V PRAXI CILI V ZEMINE apod.??? thx moc mi pomuzete.........
z lenosti jsem raz necistil po plagronu rust ty polo a kvet bio hnojky a vice to skrabalo pri tahani v krku nez pri procistenych
No jsou na to rozdílné nazory , viz , , ja bych ale proplachoval , jako vždy , cau Hlava
Zajímavý je ten příspěvek o přidávání růstového hnojiva VEGA na konci kvetení pro větší výnos.
BioCanna to radí takto: GrowGuide
Moc skúseností nemám, 1. in som tomu solil riadne -komplet BioBizz, plné dávky. Na konci cca 14 dní tuším iba čistá voda - klasické zalievanie, neprelieval som to väčším množstvom vody. Pochybujem že to kvantum hnojív sa spotrebovalo. Chuť a vôňa nebola nijak výrazná , ale nejake škrábanie v krku alebo iné negatívne vlastnosti som nezaznamenal.
Teraz to hnojím menej, a momentálne prelievam cca 4l na 11l kvetináč (vždy sa mi tam vošlo koolo 1-1,5 l kým začala voda vytekať). Tak uvidíme. Klony sú iné.

Včera som našiel nejaké info tu
Vcelku rozdielne info od tunejšej praxe. Iba v skratke:
-odporúčajú kvalitnú zeminu - Canna, Compo, Klassman, FloraGard
------------------zalievať na konci s veľmi nízkym EC alebo čistou vodou (neprelievať), rippen products, pár dní až týžden (flushing iba pri hydroponii (???) )
------------------na podporu chuti: worm humus, kompost do substrátu
------------------flushing vraj nezlepšuje chuť a vôňu

-nedoporučujú - substráty Biobizz, Plagron (predhnojené substráty majú vraj moc vysoké EC-2.4)
------------------Flushing= prelievanie veľkým množstvom vody
------------------robit drenáž z keramzitu, kryt substrátu z keram. (kôli ovplyvňovaniu pH substrátu)
------------------perlit nad 1%, kokos do subst. atd

Rozdiel medzi Canna Terra professional a BioBizz Light Mix som napríklad nenašiel. Mne pripadajú rovnaké. (EC,pH, obsah a pomer živín je v podstate rovnaký).

Ich filozofiou je hnojiť kvalitnými hnojivami, nízkym EC a nepreplachovať. Je to v texte nižšie.

Nakoniec sem predsa hodím originál v ENG:

Can I flush on soil?

You should avoid watering more than normal and having a lot of run-off in soil grows. Heavy watering or flushing/rinsing the soil can cause bud mold (run-off also washes out nutrients). Instead, give the plants their daily requirements and water at the start of the light cycle. Even if they let the leaves hang a bit now and then in the final 10+ days it's better than over-watering at this stage.

In principle you should never have to flush in soil cultivation. It leads to all sorts of complications like waterlogged soil, nutrient run-off, fungus, etc.

If you already know you have made a mistake like over-watering, always wait for plant health to improve before taking steps further with feeding, etc. You can't "cure" anything with feeding unless there is a real nutrient deficiency at hand. You won't get a nutrient deficiency in soil if plants are in quality soil, have an adequate container size, and the pH of your water is OK. If the pH of your water is not within range you need to correct it... feeding would only stress the plants even more because they can't take up the nutrients in a substrate watered with a wrong pH.

Flushing your soil prior to harvest does NOT improve aroma and taste of the buds. It DOES increase chances of getting bud mold within 48 hours and can easily lead to other fungal infections which threaten your crop. The smart way to increase aroma is to buy quality soil and mix it with beneficial aroma enhancers such as worm manure and compost. Rinsing substrates should only be applied to hydroponic cultivations. The idea is to water with a very low EC, special ripening products, or only pure water a few days or a week prior to harvest - again, there should be no need to flush large amounts of water through the system. In coco coir this can also lead to a soggy substrate and increase the risk of bud mold.

When should I start flushing?

If you utilize low EC levels and quality fertilizer it is not necessarily imperative that you flush the substrate in order to get good tasting buds. High quality fertilizer brands are composed of food grade chelates and other excellent sources of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc. These do not leave unpleasant residues in plant tissue. Excessive salt levels however can lead to a green or metallic taste in buds. The idea is to water with a very low EC, special ripening products, or only pure water a few days or a week prior to harvest - again, there should be no need to flush large amounts of water through the system. In coco coir this can also lead to a soggy substrate and increase the risk of bud mold.

Je to celé diskutabilné tak nech sa páči :)

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