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Law about marijuana - Klikni zde pro originální téma
At first, sorry that I'm writing in English, I'm slowly learning Czech right now, but not mastered in that level at which I could write freely.

I have these few questions about law for marijuana in Czech Republic. I'm confused, because, there is very less information in English about all this law stuff, so I will shot it here, if you don't mind.

First, if I sell marijuana (no more then 15g) and I got caught on street or at home (undercover cop) would I get any criminal offenses (if I sold marijuana to legal age; with ID check before deal)? If not, what would be the penalty?

Second, if I grow no more then 5 plants, thats clear that I will get more then 15g of dried marijuana at the end, so could I store more then 15g at home, would this be a violation of the law?

Thank you for understanding and help.
Peace and love.
Well i don't know answer for your first question but maybe at least for the second one. When you grow 1 - 5 plants it isn't directly aganist the law but it's still an offence. You wouldn't go to jail for it, maybe you're gonna pay some penalty. But that is valid just for the time you grow. When you harvest it's logical that you will have much more than 15 g and in this moment it becames a crime. Hope it will help
1) you cannot sell nor give nor just past a joint to anyone, its a crime against law.

2) you can grow less or 5 plants in threat of the penalty to max 15k czk and confiscance of grow equip and of course the plants. more than 5 plants is a crime.

3) you can hold by you just 15g of marijuana or i think 5g? of hash, this is newly considered as offence with the penalty, it was harmless to hold small amount before. if you hold more its considered as a crime of holding and handling and you can get busted.
Thank you for answering to my questions, appreciate that. :)

Is there any info, that Czech Republic could go in Amsterdam's footsteps with this coffeeshop business?
like in holland? i doubt so. at least not in (let's say) three to five years' time. it would surely help the economy, 'coz it's already a big business. however, there are still many conservative people who's opinion is strictly against weed. adding more or less populistic politicians this won't pass.

i guess the self-suppliers (home growers) are fine right now, while the police focuses mainly on dealers and mobsters.

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