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Neville's Thunder @ around 14weeks - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Neville's Thunder @ around 14weeks(Neville Haze x AK47). seeds bought off cbay. Out of 10 seeds all germinated, but I only found 3 phenos good 4 indoors, but only kept 2 Phenos. They got done between 16 to 22 weeks. The 2 I kept get done around 16 to 17wks. This pheno had the most dense nugs, most were really fluffy. The other pheno isnt as dense, but had a nice clear high that was really thought provoking, just loved it. This one has more of a spacy body feel 2 it. Njoy
nice report!
14 wker finicky bitch sounds very good, straight keeper for sure
hows the smell on them?
On the two i kept they hav a hashy flavor and smooth. the smell is more on a musky sweet side. I am still growing out another one and it has a more fruity smell to her, but i only need the 2 phenos. Thanks

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