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Coffe Shops in CZ/SK - Klikni zde pro originální téma
Dear green friends from Czech Republic and Slovakia!

I'm from Poland and we have a big discussion about your countries regarding law, legalize and coffe shops...

Is true that You can have own weed?
What restrictions You have?
Do You have coffeshops?
How to find them?

Is that true:

best regards,
greetings to poland
in czech:
in fact, we cant still own weed, but practically, when police catches you with something small, they leave you. Its not as rough as in US or Slovakia.

restrictions: its local. In some pubs you can smoke, in some you cant.

about coffeshops: nothing like in Netherlands, no. It could be called "coffeshop", but still, you cant buy weed on bar or everywhere.

and how to find them? you just have to look for.

the laws on slavakia are totally mad about ganja. I heard you can get bausted for 2 years, if they find 0.2g with you.

but better be the answer from slovakia growers.
thanks for you kind and quick answer...

You have much better law than we have - totally restricted as You wrote about Slovakia - crazy!!

So I'd like to visit your country in next two weeks and find a good place to take a rest and smoke of course a good weed... Ostrava is 120km away my home place and would be great to get it there...

What I have to tell to barman? Which bars? - pubs only?
You wrote "everywhere" - nice ;)

What is a price for 1g, 5g, 10g, 100g?

green regards,
so, as i wrote you have to know somebody to buy from. Some dealer.

The prices are - on the street is 250 for 0.8g of skunk. Sometimes its 1g, but 0.8 is normal. 10g you can get for 2000-1800 (Kč). 100g is for 12000-15000 Kč.

Hey, if you want to really know, come to pilsen.
have to ask first (how? what to say?)...

prices are little more atractive to polish... I'd like to have somebody to long term cooperation ;)

pilsen... hmmmm?
how to say? "nemáš nějaký hulení/ganju?" or something like that in english.
hi dziadool,
you didn´t catch what ramon wanted to say - "you cant buy weed on bar or everywhere" - that means you can´t buy weed everywhere. but there´s a lot of places where you can buy weed, but i´m talking just about Prague, don´t know about rest of republic
prices are mostly 250 per 1g when you buy in pubs or from dealers in the streets, nut if you meet some nice guy he´ll give it to you for 200 or less if you´re lucky
what about laws in your country??
koukam ze pozde..
@ Ramon_Dexter
"nemáš nějaký hulení/ganju?" - helpful, tnx :D

@ zizik
"there´s a lot of places where you can buy weed"
how to find them? do you have a list or something?
if You can give me any information, please send me an email: or here if it's so...

regarding polish law... totally restricted: U can't have anything even for yourself !!
ownership - till 3 years in prison (depands of quantity, can be 5 years for 5kg)
trading - 3-15 years
planting - till 5 years (depand......)


"koukam ze pozde.." what does it mean?
a ako je to s tým barom poznate to tam niekdo?
dziadool: yes, some grass in your pocket isn't problem, but every cop is different, some are bastartds. You can have smaller than small quantum, it is on cop what is small for him. :D
Coffeshops there aren't, bud if you have luck, you can met guy with dreds and red eyes who sell you some weed in prizes from 250,-Kč for some skunk to 100,-Kč for normal (classical) weed.
In poland are strict laws? Tell me please something abou weed laws in your country, it is interestin to met somebody from "different" state. Thank you boy.

See ya! :afro: :smoker: :satan: :devil: :crazy: :jumper: :frog: :slizoun: :mutant:

Excuse my horrible english please. :sun:
Původní příspěvek od dziadool
"koukam ze pozde.." what does it mean?

so late :D:D:D
Původní příspěvek od dziadool
planting - till 5 years (depand......)

:flamer: A.C.A.B.! :rocket:
jestli bude legalizace tak si otevřu cofeeshop :):) někde v centru
In Ostrava imho you can buy something in club Bogota, if there will be people with stuff who want sell, but if you want more then 1g ist better make a conntact with some dealer :) Coffeshop in Ostrava is dead for a long time.
thank's to all for your kind answers...

hope next 2 weeks will visit Ostrava and find Bogota Club, I would love to find somebody there with grass :D
Is anybody knows more clubs like this one...?

Regarding law in Slovakia... the same shit govertment like Poland has :(
At this moment in Poland we have so stupit people at parlament and they want to forbidden even "narcotic signs" (ganja symbols) ... for example - will be forbidden to have t-shirts with ganja leaf :(

Hi dziadool.... I was found on internet some seedbanks from Poland... What is you´re experiences with them?
Yo man, to be honest with you, it could be quite difficult for a stranger to find someone in these countries who could sell you a grass. Try to find some first, get known each other a bit (because no one will sell you anything if he won't know you or if you won't have a reference from someone). The best think is to buy just small amount of a person first, then test it and then negotiate the price for a bigger amount of the drug. But what about borders? How you think you will take it thru the border back to Slask? Well if you know a border security who could help you, there is no worries, no doubts about it but if you don't, be bloody carefull please. IMHO Ostrava would be the best place for you to go. It is such czech Mordor:) - dark place, where you can find very different sorts of people. And people of Ostrava who read this could advize you a pub or club, where you could go and try to find a contact. Ostrava would be apropriate also because there is almost no aversion against Poles which you could find in other cities. Take good care of yourself. Don't get your ass to the troubles and smoke just good stuff mate.:))
pium - to je krasny jak nadavas na gramatiku ostatnich a sam tam mas hafo chyb.. my friend said me one time - hahaha
kua to je hustý klub to si môžem aj ja pozbijať na kolene u nas tak vizerá krčma a nie nejaky shop ktorý by ti mal spraviť atmosferu holandska(sice som v holandu nebol ale ak taký pajzel ma byť "Coffe Shops" tak akurat majiteľ a jeho ludia čo sa tam chodia zhuľovať asi tak
pium: ad gramtika - ty máš co říkat...
Původní příspěvek od pium
no chlapci to je gramatika :D :D :D některých, mi přijde jakoby tu někdo používal angličtinu ze základky :D

dziadool:get visit north of czech republic, there are many stupid madmens who don´t know what the police is, they sucks them because many of police guys are smokers.
dealers who sell stuff are brats because they didn´t seen one gram ever.
so if you want to find some good stuff visit my country, the north of czech republic.
well, my friend said me one time ,, i was in front of Makri hotel and some strange came and says hey do you want some bag? i ve got 50grams and 1 gram per 200 ,, so my friend had lucky day and he took some stuffs, and for 5 minutes the police had arrive, ouuu my god.
my friend is in jail and dealer too.
its all about lucky day guy.
i wanna visit poland today, and i thought there are many good dealers, so i will sit in my flat because if you says you cant wear a dress with sign of marijuana.
visit us in the north of the cz and you see what is the really marijuana ;)
you can arrive to my house, and i can give you some grams (free of course) which i harvested , its called white berry and its good murder :D

madmens? madman - jeden; madmen - množný číslo

they sucks them? -> they suck on them...když už

dealers are brats... co že jsou?

i was in front of Makri hotel and some strange came...chyba, zase. dobře by bylo "some stranger came..."

..., and for 5 minutes the police... - zase. správně: " and in 5 minutes..."

jo a slang tady klidně vybal, alespoň se něčemu přiučíme
pium: hele, sorry, nechci tě napadat. Ale když se komunikuje písemnou formou, jsou ty zapomenutý písmenka docela důležitý, nemyslíš?

samozřejmě netušim co znamená dealers are brats přesně, ale tušim něco jako podělávky.

ty jsi chtěl ukázat chyby, já ti je ukázal :D

nemusíš hned kolem sebe kopat a ukazovat co jsi se naučil v emerice, místní slang je sice dobrá věc ale když ti zbytek okolí nerozumí, je to na h...

doufam že si mě pochopil

jenom ještě něco: nechtěl jsem z tebe dělat debila, to vůbec. Ale jsem putičkář, a ty jsi chtěl najít chyby, já je našel :D

a ještě jedna věc: učil jsem se britskou angličtinu, takže mi příde americká angličtina trošku jiná, to je všechno
příspěvek od Lahvan_FlaskiCZ
..............but every cop is different, some are bastartds. ................... A.C.A.B.!...

jilm: co? lidi snad se to tu z diskuse s kolegou z Polska nezvrhne v gramatický kroužek :grrr:
tak to je rofl řešit gramatiku :p: tomu řikám ostuda na mezinárodnězelený scéně :wink:
hi everybody... sorry for my late answer - was fucking busy this end of week... :(
thanks again for your all answers, but some of them are not in english and I have small problem to understand what is going on... :(
let me try to comment first your posts...

@ rammian
send me names or website addresses - I can check it for You...

@ SnooffyJ
thanks for your good words - warnings... I know what will happened if they catch me on the border with grass... minimum 3 years at prison :mutant: ...but I know some small tricks on the border ;)
Yeap, Ostrava is the best solution for me: distance (120km only) and as You said: people - more kind... I know something about mentality of Czech's people regarding my country... it's still something wrong about history... it's so stupid... we're living in 21'st century! but people are people and I'm not gonna fight with them... IS HERE ANYBODY FROM OSTRAVA who can provide me in any club there?

@ pium
grammar is not so important - more is sense of our nice conversations... my english is not so well that's why I'm using simple words :)
regarding people from north part of your country - write me in which cites You have so stupid people as You described... <lol>
where You gonna be in Poland? do You have a flat here?
regarding prohibition for "ganja sign" - it's still open, we have to wait till 12th of july, minimum...
I can visit You - no problem... contact me using PM please... :D

@ to rest of all
why You're fighting between yourself about so strange thing? as I have wrote before - GRAMMAR is nothing comparing stupid law and government! let's fight with them! not between US! PEACE to EVERYBODY!
I hope to meet somebody of You in your country and smoke a good stuff forgetting history and law :D :bravo: :jumper:
I advice you not to look for weed among slovakians,unless you see them smoking.Population here is divided between those who smoke and those who hate weed and think it's evil drug :( Laws are very fucked up and police searches are frequent.
hi dziadool...
seedbanks from poland...

for example:

and more...
@ MastaHBlastaH
the same shit as we have in Poland - some people are so stupid... it's a risk to speak or ask about it because they can call to police after your question :mad:

@ rammian
these three are good... I can recomend You the as well :frog: I know them from my forum: :frog:
but You have to known polish to order anything... no other language versions available :(
...or I can support You if You'll have problems with comunication :bounce:
Původní příspěvek od Lahvan_FlaskiCZ
jilm: co? lidi snad se to tu z diskuse s kolegou z Polska nezvrhne v gramatický kroužek :grrr:

Ne, ne, jen se mě pobavilo every cop is different, some are bastartds. ................... A.C.A.B.!

Jenom když píšeš, že some (cops) are bastartds, a pak to ukončíš A.C.A.B. :D
"...every cop is different, some are bastartds..."

yeap, to je dobre... neuvezitelne ale dobre ;)

I know good joke, I heard it few year ago in Czech Republic...

"...pane Havranek, to je wasz pes?
ne, to ne je moj - moj ne byl taki plaskaty... " :bounce:

sorry for my mistakes - I know only how to say it :mutant: :D :frog:

"...pane Havranek, to je wasz pes?
ne, to ne je moj - moj ne byl taki plaskaty... "

:rofl: Even though i didnt catch what you wanted to say! :D:D:D
Původní příspěvek od omnihash
frony:plaskaty = placatý :D, chybí tam základní info že komentátor je motorista:D

V tom pripade me asi opousti i posledni znamky smyslu pro humor. :) Posledni ktery me rozesmal byl: "Co se stane, pokud zkrizis cernocha a chobotnici. Nikdo to nevi, ale zatracene dobre by to sbiralo bavlnu.".

Dziadool: Sorry for beeing <off topic>. Anyway, i´ll be glad to read anykind of report about your "ganjahunttrip" to czech rep. Hope you´ll be succesfull, but i do not think so. My oppinion.
tomu, kdo tady upozorňoval na chyby v angličtině ostatních a pak machroval se slangem chci asi dát svou první negativní karmu. mám to udělat bez výčitek a hned, že?

toto se mi totiž vůbec nelíbí.
HerrFlick - taky bych to hned udelal, v tomhle foru to bohuzel nejde.

dziadool - hope you´ll be successfull and I think you´ll be! it´s not so hard in our country..
Mno gramatiku vynecham/pruda/,ale k tomu podniku nebyl jsem tam preci jen zajet si na vafle a kafe 400km nic moc,co se tyce zelene nabidky na baru neprijde my to nic novyho takovejch klubu-baru bylo/v Praze treba Fresh,Taz/,ale problem je ze 0,8 neceho si koupim za 2čonta u nas taky a smotam si to +zhulim v nasi hospě taky bez problemu;)
Kouzlo Amstru a jeho kavaren je ze tech modelu je tam hafec+hromada jinejch nejen konopnejch produktu,a taky je tam trosku uvolnenejsi naladicka,ale to nerikam nic noveho,proste kdyz by sem si chtel dat coffee pohodu radsi pojedu na druhou stranu na hranice do 1niho to mam o 200km dal a vyplatise:)
pium - "typicky vlastnosti" cecha mas spis ty - ta arogance a zbytecny se vychloubani /jako ze ten slang si fakt davas/ jsou vlastnosti tobe vlastni. nevim co cekas ze ti na to budeme rikat, asi neco jako: jooou respekt tobe, ses borec kdyz si byl za louzi.. mozna by ses tam mel vratit :) o cem si chces popovidat?
froNy - zase me nekdo predbeh.. naprostej souhlas
Jebte na to,neviem ci vam to stoji za to minat si energiu na prispevky plne nenavisti...Dufam,ze sa budete nadalej tolerovat,ako sa na hulicov patri a kazdy dalsi post od tohto bude po anglicky.
chuj na ty hádky sakra!
smarjaaaaa, ze to frony a spol bavi.
pyjus je faaaaakt drsnej, nevsimli jste si i jeho huuuusty slangovy cestiny?
teda prvni sem myslela, ze to sou hrubice jak kraaaava, ale to sem asi mimo jak kalhoty do zvonu s kapsama na kolenou.
Ty vole někdo se Vás na něco zeptá, tak se očekává odpověď, vy se tady zatim hádáte, kdo je větší frajer na angličtinu, hlavně že si rozumíte ne, je jedno kolik chyb, kdo udělá...

2 dziadool: We don´t have any coffeshops. Weed is not legal here yet!

Tak myslim, že takhle to stačí;)
frony: nerej do něj, to je standartní mluvená angličtina, když mluvim tak to taky neřešim, holt pium má praxi v mluvení a v psaní zase tak moc ne, to je normální

už se na to fakt vyserte, dyť je to zbytečný, stejně to skončí outem (to v lepším případě), nebo to nějakej mod zavře, tak na to fakt kašlete...
Jasny serte na hadky dyt komentar muzete dat mr.pium do karmy :D
Koho se to tyka, prosim, vykaslete se na ten flame. Nerad bych tohle tema poslal do kanalu:)
Dear all green people!

thanks again for all answers, but I think that is a big misunderstanding here - thanks for being off-topic :( :faq:
I was just wondering something about your countries regarding smoking weed not about problems with english grammar - it's so pathetic! :mutant:

OK, if somebody has something interesting to say - please do it in english - grammar is not so important - PMs are very welcome :beer:

kind regards,
And what about the coffeeshop in LIBEREC? It´s true?Where?
Původní příspěvek od DEVIATIO
And what about the coffeeshop in LIBEREC? It´s true?Where?

NO, it is not!!

pro ostatní, ten pajzl, který se vydával v liberci za kofáč (člověk vstoupil a na baru byla cedule "hulení není" :) ) byl zavřen PČR před cca 2 lety, hospoda se obnovila, ale prodej ne. Nic oficiálního ani neoficiálního zde již nefunguje. thats all
dziadool: and what you wanna know?
dík dude

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