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Strawberry - Klikni zde pro originální téma
čaute lidi rozhodl sem se v blízké budoucnosti rozjet pěstování odrůdy strawberry. Zajímalo by mě jestli máte nějake skušenosti s tímto modelem :vampire:
mam aj ja tuto odrodu ,dal som naklicit 3seminka vysli su v8 litrovych kvetinacoch.maju asi 4cm.ale to je vsetko prijal by som aj ja nejake info.
Původně byla strawberry cough pouze elitní klon objevený Kylem Kushmanem v USA někdy v 80tých letech.Později se dostala do spárů breederům z Dutch Passion, kteří z ní vyvinuli svoji Strawberry Cough a také breederu Steveovi ze Spice of Life, který vytvořil svou variantu pod názvem Strawberry Blonde.Tuto o několik let později Švýcarští pěstitelé uzpůsobily pro venkovní kultivaci a lze ji po celém Švajcu najít pod názvy Erdbeer, Fraise, Fragolla, Swiss Strawberry.A aby toho nebylo málo tak Rezdog nyní kříží original Kyle Kushman´s SC se vším co mu příjde pod ruku (Strawberry Diesel ...)Záleží teda od které seedbanky pochází vaše semínka.

Původ Strawberry podle glimmermana:

"Now for the strawberry fields. It is a 100% indica strain that
originated in vermont. around 7 weeks flowering time. Breed
for the taste and smell of strawberries, and to be able to
finish before the first snow fall in Vermont. High yielder. from
what I understand, the strain was given it's name because the
breeder grew it for many years in with his strawberry plants,
and claimed that the original scent of strawberries was intensified
because of the way he grew the plants together. nevertheless, if
his theories were correct or not, the worked plants in his field
had developed a scent and smell that matched his freshest
strawberries to a tee. But the high was not ideal for his
prefrences(needed to be more cerebral). He took an outstanding
pure haze male and crossed it with his best female flowering in
his fields. These are essentially Strawberry Cough seeds, but not
the clone that's going around. The SC pheno clone was found in
sorting through dozens of these seeds that were given to Kyle
Kushman the SC clone yields very heavily from it's mother
strawberry fields (which I was told the real deal is now
extinct). expect a minimun of five to six ounces per sc plant,
and the real deal finish around 7.5 -9 weeks depending on what
you look at to harvest. each branch must be supported with at
least one stalk, or the weight of the buds will cause your limbs
and buds to hang on the ground"

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