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Golden-G a beautiful pheno - Klikni zde pro originální téma
This is actually, Seti x G13BW, but I like to call this pheno Golden-G, as she turns to a nice crisp gold color when dried, and is my favorite bud to date.
Yes those are very nice buds !! Can You give some informations about growbox for us ? K+ for You sure
She's a heavy yielder, taste is old skewl, a hash type flavor to it. Potency is above everything else I have smoked to date. I grow in many different mediums from aero to hydro, to potting mix, and also in different container sizes. This one happens to be only in a small 8" container. About a gallon and a half of medium. She has about 3 weeks left, and I'm hoping to get a few O's out of her. And she's under a 400wHPS. I have several older photos of her in larger containers, and she yileds even more. Right now, the cuttings I have are about to go into a hydro igloo cooler I made, so it should be great to see her at her best.
Here's a full photo of her going now in the small container she's in.
Really nice photos, I wonder why they're not ending regularly in the Top 12 ... it's because you are posting them during the weekend and they don't have time to get enough nomination votes. Try to post some early in the week (Monday, Tuesday or so)...:smoker:

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