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Some dried bud pics - Klikni zde pro originální téma
I have several tops getting ready to go into the jars, this was Seti x G13BW pheno#2. I did try a few samples of this one, and she's different from Pheno#1. But very good, just different. She has a little smoother taste, but can't comment on that until they are done curing. As for potency right off the bat without a cure. It is some stony weed as it is today. Just puts me in my chair, and I'm off into nowhere, lol. Her sister has a little more raw power, but she also seems to have a little more cerebral. They both grew with tons of vigor, the stalk on this one was just friggin huge for indoors. And the buds were just drenched in trichomes, making a beautiful finished product. I think most people will prefer this one, more than pheno #1, but might keep it anyways, seeing how it does in the aero right now, and it's doing really good.
Imposible buds:bravo: It is from one flower? How was heavy? U can not be beginer, how long do U grow?
It came off of this plant.
Personally it was only about 50% of what the plant could have done. I topped her, the same week I started to flower her. I was either going to cut her down, cause all I wanted was some cuttings from her, and I thought I do need the room as well for other things, but then I went ahead and flowered her to just get her out of the way and could have some bud. She turned out really good, but no where near what she could have done. She is really some stony smoke, and very potent, too much for me, as I prefer some cerebral mixed in with the stone, and her sister does that just fine for me. But this one has bag appeal beyond belief.

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