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Zdrawim objednal sem si "KIT" pro 400w lampu.
Jenže se stala chyba u odesílatele a přišlo mi 1x400w Osram Plantastar , 1x Předřadník ELT 600w.
v tom zpočívá moje otázka.Můžu to zpárovat?
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
To sice nwm ale zkus to ( to byl samozřejmně vtip) je to nebezpečný mám za to že ten přeřadník pošle do tý lampišky víc proudu než by mnělo bejt a ona se buď odpalí nebo se sní prostě něco stane radši tam zavolej a řekni co gou
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
ja som mal 150w vybojku na 250w asi 8 hodin a svietila celkom good..ale neviem co by sa stalo keby to necham dlhsie asi by sa znizila zivotnost zarovky asi o polovicu
Ak sa budes smiat, bude sa s tebou smiat cely svet, ak budes plakat, budes plakat sam!!!
Neprichádzam sa klaňať. Prichádzam víťaziť
Díky za informace asi mi nic jinýho nezbývá a zíra jedu pro novou výbojku 600w
Life can be so shady.The way some people try to bring you down.Why's it got to be so crazy?Always try to give you the run around.So I let the music just take control.Cause it rocks my body.And it moves my soul.My feet start dancing to the beat.And I just can't help it.I just can't help it.Cause music is my life.It helps me through the ibe.
Keep it coming.Keep it coming!Just can't dance no more...
Move my move my... move my body
Starter budiž ale tlumivka ...
Jak uz jsem psal .. chvily by to svitilo (klidne i nekolik tydnu) ale skoncila by hoooodnekrat driv nez zapojena klasicky