je největší autorita v oblasti pěstování konopí na českém i slovenském internetu. Veškeré sekce jsou přístupné pro anonymní čtení. Pokud se nespokojíš s pouhou návštěvou a chceš se aktivně zapojit do diskusí ve fóru a na chatu, odpovídat na inzeráty a šifrovaně komunikovat s tisíci dalších pěstitelů soukromými vzkazy anebo se pochlubit svou fotogalerií - Registruj se! - Získáš inspiraci i cenné rady!
- dozrela, teda si to myslim lebo vsetko tomu nasvedcovalo aj chut, vona a high, teda harvest bol 10 oktobra.
- vyska asi 1,5 metra
- huste sisky, musia sa striha lebo sa pri stisnuti lepia
- seed mam z USA, zo statu Nevada, mesto Reno ... takto som to hovno aj nazval
- raz som si kupil od typka nieco a bolo tam aj toto seed ....
- vysnos asi 40 g
I've come a long way, I used to think of myself as nothing but a loser, but I'm here now and I'm winnin'. I'm startin' off fresh, and this is the beginnin'. JUST NEVER GIVE UP. peace
I've come a long way, I used to think of myself as nothing but a loser, but I'm here now and I'm winnin'. I'm startin' off fresh, and this is the beginnin'. JUST NEVER GIVE UP. peace
I've come a long way, I used to think of myself as nothing but a loser, but I'm here now and I'm winnin'. I'm startin' off fresh, and this is the beginnin'. JUST NEVER GIVE UP. peace
ma to taky body high, dost intenzivny pocit skurenosti skor do indiky
I've come a long way, I used to think of myself as nothing but a loser, but I'm here now and I'm winnin'. I'm startin' off fresh, and this is the beginnin'. JUST NEVER GIVE UP. peace
teraz este s troskou pliesne ... po roku skladovania
I've come a long way, I used to think of myself as nothing but a loser, but I'm here now and I'm winnin'. I'm startin' off fresh, and this is the beginnin'. JUST NEVER GIVE UP. peace
nie, lebo ... som mal aj ine vzorky. a ja som taky typ konzumenta, ze vsetko zo striedmostou, by the way, casto si davam breaky. a to najlepsie si drzim ako oko v hlave
I've come a long way, I used to think of myself as nothing but a loser, but I'm here now and I'm winnin'. I'm startin' off fresh, and this is the beginnin'. JUST NEVER GIVE UP. peace