at the edge of the future
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Skoro bych řekl, že to je záležitost do Kanálu, ale Steve Ballmer je určitě , mrkněte na video
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Steve Ballmer prodává Windows 1.0
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Although Microsoft will provide some important customer services, the company's success will depend on thousands of new and current partners creating innovative customer solutions on the platform. Ballmer understands that Microsoft must be part of a community of partners, each providing a special focus and added value. |
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Described variously as ebullient, focused, funny, passionate, sincere, hard charging and dynamic, Ballmer has infused Microsoft with his own brand of energetic discipline and spirit over the years. |
"Nechci radit, nechci kázat, chci jen apelovat, že život je jak joint, kterej se musíme naučit pokuřovat." - Dědek, 6 Polnic
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