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reserva privada je kapitola sama o sobě... jejich sour diesel, je docela záhada.. nicméně matka je tzv DNA cut, který se na icmagu párkrát omílá, hlavně OJD z Connoisseur Genetics ho použil ve svých crossech a velice si ho pochvaloval, ale kdoví s čím je ten řez napárovaný v RP SD, navíc jsou to feminy, už tak z nestabilní genetiky..
a na seedboutique je momentálně zajímavá nabídka na chemdog x sour diesel, dva pakly za 150 euro, tak to z někým můžeš pošéfovat, ať se je na co dívat..
a podle matných reportů na Fire OG bx(rascal), bych ani neztrácel čas s jeho crossy.. [/B]
Jen pro upřesnění, nepoužívají Raskalův Fire OG bx, ale je to jejich verze, kde použili SFV OG F2 na opylení Fire OG a to použili jako tatku k tomu Fire OG bx.
Nevim já osobně bych volil něco kde si můžu vybrat i jiný než diesel pheno, ale je fakt, že mně to fakt nechutnalo!
Jinak co se týče Fire OG bx od raskala, tak jsem ted viděl i pozitivní ohlasy, pár... Prej v tom dominuje hrozně ten alien. Každopádně nějakej pátek už to mám doma, tak pak poreferuju...
Já se kaju, já si nezasloužim
ušlechtilou konverzaci, zeleninu, mlíko
dál bejt spisovnej a vzornej
to by za mnou brzo sklaplo víko.
jj zrovna sem chtěl napsat že z týhle chem linie bych jako jedny z mála jel řezy coastal colision a taky příště pojedu ! měl jsem sour diesel riri cut a byl velice zajímavej viz here, ale z fotek tu "kyselost" necejtíte bohužel...stav celkem dost silnej
east coast sd je ještě lepší ecsd zkřížený s og kush sfv a vyselektovaný pheno to je jinde než ghs seeds
NORM - dansk diesel je až tak dobrej? to sem netušil ...
něco bližšího k tomu, proč atd? mě se zas nezamlouvá křížení s afghanem když hledám chemdoga podle high end genových inženýrů je máloco asi dobrý
Pak jeste doladim ,Hlava
OG Kush: "In late '93 John from Grass Valley Ca. got the Chem Dog cut. He shared it with me, Jerry(cowboy) from Dibble Creek Ca. and Harold(Putz) from Sunset Beach Ca. Putz had a male he called the secret ingredient. It was a cross of Lemon Thai and an Old World Paki Kush. Putz bred the secret ingredient to the Chem Dog. The buds that came out of this cross were going around So. L.A. county in '95. Someone told Putz that Kush must be so good because it was mountain grown. Putz laughed and told him "this Kush is Ocean Grown Kush bro". The tag stuck and it became known as OG Kush. In the spring of '96 Putz married a girl from New Zealand. Before moving there he sent cuts of his OG to me and Bob(beans) in Salinas Ca. He gave all his P1 stock and all the remaining seed he had to ****(mad dog) from Downey Ca. In late '96 **** sold some seed to some guys in the Valley. That's where the San Fernando Valley cut of OG comes from. It's like the Original only more sat in pheno type. **** sold a cut of the original to a guy in Orange county and that cut is called Larry today. It's still around Orange county. **** sent one other cut of the original OG to a breeder in Europe. As far as I know he never let anyone else have it. Jerry bred his Chem Dog cut to a Humboldt county indica boy. This was the beginning of his cubing proccess. At BX3 he got a pheno that had all the smell, taste and kick of the Chem Dog, but in a pure indica pheno. Jerry gave this plant to Bob. It became known as the West Coast Dog. Bob bred this plant to my Old World Kush male. He took a male from that cross and bred it to the OG cut Putz had sent him. This is what made the original Bubba Kush." Lineage:ChemDawg x [ Lemon Thai x Old World Paki Kush] Info on the differnt kutz of OG Kush:
Tahoe= cut brough into the community by Swerve. The grower that Swerve got it from had sourced the cut in the Lake Tahoe area in the 90's.
-Larry= The Orange County Larry cut that is availble in the medical scene came from the same Orange County crew that the H.A O.G Kush came from
-SFV= There are a million O.G cuts grown in the S.F.V, however the cut that goes by this name on these forums and in medical disp. came from forum member Swerve
-Ghost= This cut came from ORGNKID, ORGNKID had sold a O.G cut to a Overgrow forum member named "Ghost" who further distributed the cut.
-Tripple OG= This cut came from ORGNKID. This cut is A.K.A Triple X/XXX O.G Kush. Triple O.G was popularly sold to medical patients by the now defunct C.A.L.M disp. of Malibu.
-Abusive= This cut was brought into the community by an overgrow member named "Abusive", believe it or not Abusive claimed to have got the cut through the rapper Snoop Dogg.
-SAC#2= Cut brought into the scene by forum member O.Gkushman, O.Gkushman got the cut from DJ Muggs.
-P.R OG A.K.A Private Reserve O.G= Another O.G cut that ORGNKID brought into the scene. The cut was sold to Med patients as Private Reserve O.G through the now defunct C.A.L.M disp. of Malibu.
-Apothecary = O.G cut brought into the scene by the apothecary seed co's Brett. Brett got it from a high profile Medical MJ activist in L.A back in 1999
-Diablo= This = cut came from the R.D.C disp. In the San Fernando Valley -Raskal's OG= Another cut sourced in the San Fernando Valley. Cut was bought for several thousand dollers from ******* ***** members by a friends of forum member OGraskal
-HA OG= Cut came from an commercial H.A room in Orange County, grown by the same crew that brought the Orange County Larry cut into the medical Disp.
-Poison OG=Cut came from O.Gkushman, he grew it from seed found in a pound of O.G back in ‘96
-SAC#1 & #3= #1 came from G-Thumb in the San Fernando Valley, #3 came from San Fernando Valley but is very popular in Santa Barbara and sometimes goes by the name “Purple O.G Kush”, the cut was brought into the scene by the owner of the now defunct Hortipharm in Santa Barbara