je největší autorita v oblasti pěstování konopí na českém i slovenském internetu. Veškeré sekce jsou přístupné pro anonymní čtení. Pokud se nespokojíš s pouhou návštěvou a chceš se aktivně zapojit do diskusí ve fóru a na chatu, odpovídat na inzeráty a šifrovaně komunikovat s tisíci dalších pěstitelů soukromými vzkazy anebo se pochlubit svou fotogalerií - Registruj se! - Získáš inspiraci i cenné rady!
Tak nadisiel cas, podelim sa aj ja o svoj 2015 growik. Zacnem s balkonom, kde uz fici 5 automatov Auto Northern Hog od TH Seeds.
Seminka som strcil do substratu pre vysev 9.4. bez klicenia a'la Medved Brtnik, asi 10 dni dozadu som ich presadil do final kvetinacov, substrat - Plagron Royal Mix.
Od zacatku kytky dostavali korenovy elixir Plagron - PowerRoots, dalej ich hnojit nebudem. (no mozno dostanu neskor par ml Topmaxu )
Ph upravujem na cca. 6,2 pomocou PH- od Advanced Hydroponics (kyselina dusicna).
Tak zatim tolko, neskor budem updatovat s dalsimi odrodami
Hoi, slečny vypadají vitálně a květináče na tom parapetu sedí jak prdel na hrnec. Budu sledovat Ať to roste!
As I watch the dirty politicians rant
I cultivate my clean Green plant
While they push weapons of mass destruction
I grow these plants and give instructions
On how to do it and keep it green
All the oil guys do is keep it mean
I fight these forces with seeds and leaves
I don't believe in rolling up sleeves
It's the future I work for planting these seeds
Green is something this planet sure needs
And the children, the babies, the little green shoots
They need a safe Planet as well as warm boots
I work for them, those who come after me,
so get your hands off of those buttons, you crooks
Get back to the Earth and see how she looks
All of the places that could do with some healing
I only want to manifest vibes with that feeling
As a gardener, herbalist, genetic engineer of a farm
I would Love to protect this ball of mud from harm
Dik Soma. Mam tu maly update - auticka trocha povyrostli, az na jednu - ta vystrelila
Inac musel som ich uz sundat z oblibeneho parapetu kvoli bezpecnosti.
Cau, no na tej druhej fotke z prispevku 4 ta mala ma 30cm a to koste 59cm Dostavaju zatim cistu vodu s upravenym ph a mrte lasky Tomu splhounovi asi pomalicky zacnem davat Topmax, nech nevypada jak kolik na rajcata
Maly update. Holkam sa dari zatim, do galerie pridavam 2 holky Double Shark (GWSxGWS), zrno regular od clena Jahmaican. Ten druhy zralok je pekne maskovany, hladal som to tam asi 5 minut
Posledne 2 fotky su Purple Pineberry
Mam tu dalsi update automatov, kvitnu vsetky, kazda svojim tempom. Uz nesu take uniformne ako na zaciatku.
Na druhej fotke samec SweetMendobog, chystam sa pozbierat pel a oprcat neco zaujimaveho.
As I watch the dirty politicians rant
I cultivate my clean Green plant
While they push weapons of mass destruction
I grow these plants and give instructions
On how to do it and keep it green
All the oil guys do is keep it mean
I fight these forces with seeds and leaves
I don't believe in rolling up sleeves
It's the future I work for planting these seeds
Green is something this planet sure needs
And the children, the babies, the little green shoots
They need a safe Planet as well as warm boots
I work for them, those who come after me,
so get your hands off of those buttons, you crooks
Get back to the Earth and see how she looks
All of the places that could do with some healing
I only want to manifest vibes with that feeling
As a gardener, herbalist, genetic engineer of a farm
I would Love to protect this ball of mud from harm
Maly update, prva a druha fotka zraloci a tretia PP. Zatim sa im dari az na par zltych listov - nestiham to zalevat. Ten mensi zralok a PP su asi po pas, ten dlhy zralok ma tak 1,70, mozno vac
No a nakonec je tu posledne auto, vyska 59cm. Na druhej fotke taka ganjova raritka - niekto tvrdi ze to je zivica/pryskyrice, niekto ze to je vyzrazany prebytocny cukor + voda. Kazdopadne to chutilo bozsky