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Karma uživatele carloseastseeds - 37% Pěstitelská

Registrován: Mar 2006
Příspěvků: 27 

New: Lowryder Příspěvek č. 1

NEW: LOWRYDER (Joint Doctors)

èíslo produktu: 5900
10 semínek v jednom balení

Cena: 45.00 EUR

Genetics: William’s Wonder / Northern Lights No. 2 / Mexican Ruderalis
Type: Stabilized hybrid, True-Breeding
Harvest Date: 2 months from sowing.
Flowering Period: 5 weeks
THC Content: Unknown
Characteristics: Small, hardy, autoflowering strain, small yields.

Aptly named for its low profile (both literally and figuratively), Lowryder was developed for extreme rapid growth (life cycle is 8 weeks from seed to bud), uniquely short height, and amazingly versatile.
Lowryder is stable and reliable in its properties, a product of nine generations of selective breeding, and is non-deviant and hermaphrodite-free. Lowryder claims direct descendance from superior William’s Wonder and Northern Lights no.2 indica, as well as a more exotic, virtually unknown short variety believed to be descended from “Mexican Ruderalis,” an experimental cross created over 25 years ago.
Passing directly from the seedling to the flowering stage, Lowryder altogether does away with the vegetative growth stage, in a process called autoflowering. In other words, when planted, it sprouts, grows a couple sets of leaves, then immediately and automatically begins flowering (males at about day 17, females at day 20). As a result, it is the quickest, most compact, and most discrete plant available.
Having no vegetative stage, Lowryder can’t be cloned or regenerated, for all intents and purposes. Replanting seeds is a must. But then, this plant’s unique advantages do away with any reason for cloning in the first place. It is an ideal parent strain, producing some offspring with its unique autoflowering traits.
To complement its unique characteristics, Lowryder’s final appearance, taste, and high, have nothing to envy of the finer weed varieties, an excellent strain with high potency and good resin production.

Old Post 16-06-2006 v 13:07 PM
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