je největší autorita v oblasti pěstování konopí na českém i slovenském internetu. Veškeré sekce jsou přístupné pro anonymní čtení. Pokud se nespokojíš s pouhou návštěvou a chceš se aktivně zapojit do diskusí ve fóru a na chatu, odpovídat na inzeráty a šifrovaně komunikovat s tisíci dalších pěstitelů soukromými vzkazy anebo se pochlubit svou fotogalerií - Registruj se! - Získáš inspiraci i cenné rady!
Please click on the link to each of the grow diaries and choose the one you like better
¡¡Atention!! ►► The 5 nominations are based in what the contestants posted before 23h59m of the 1th of April but voters can base their choice in what is available in the moment they vote, so nominated contestants can be benefited by enriching their threads while the poll is open. In 5 days (120 hours) the poll will be closed. No double nicks/clones allowed. If you have more than one nickname, please use just one to vote. If you vote with more than one nickname the vote will not be valid and the administration of the forum will take the adecuate measures. But, if you have friends, you can tell them about this contest and that they can vote after seeing the 5 diaries nominated.
► Votings close at 02h00m of the 7th of April. This means that any voting posted after that time will not be considered valid.
► If you registered in the forum after the 22nd of November of 2011 your vote will not be considered valid, according to the contest rules (see below). If you registered in the forum after that date your vote doesn't count, but you can comment who is your favourite anyway, no problem at all
► In the next 5 days I will update the vote counting at least once every 48h.
► To vote you just have to say: "I vote for [nickname]"